If you are looking for alternatives for Electron, Then you should give it a try to Neutralinojs. So today, I am going to help you found the best for you!
We will cover the following things:-
- What is Neutralinojs?
- What is better?
- How to get started?
What is Neutralionjs?
Neutralinojs is a lightweight and portable desktop application development framework. It lets you develop lightweight cross-platform desktop applications using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Apps built with Neutralinojs can run on Linux, macOS, Windows, and Web.
So Neutralino or Neutralinojs is a better way of creating desktop applications with web technologies. Neutralionjs was created because Electron a popular desktop application tool is hated by developers for being memory hungry. So Neutralionjs solves this problem by being lightweight and easier to develop.
What is better?
It is a little hard to judge, even if Neutralionjs is faster than the electron. It is still immature and doesn't support nodejs even it is built on top of the nodejs.
These things can change the view of common developers about using a framework, I agree that there can be some way around for using nodejs.
So Neutralionjs is good for using as a side project or some fun project. As it is still new and still needs a large community around to progress.
Electron is better and more reliable as comparison to Neutralionjs.
How to get started?
So if you want to get started with Neutralionjs right away, Then follow the instructions to start a new project.
You can use Neu Cli built by Neutralionjs developers.
Type following commands in the terminal to get started.
# Creating a new app
$ npm i -g @neutralinojs/neu
$ neu create hello-world
$ cd hello-world
$ neu run
# Building your app
$ neu build
You can checkout Elecrue, It is a CLI for generating starter code for Electron or Neutralionjs with React or Vue. I am the maintainer of Elecrue, So I am adding Neutralionjs this week or next. And star it ⭐ for staying updated with Elecrue's progress.
Electron is not bad
Electron is good as ram is there to be used by on-running programs but if you don't want your app to use a load of ram then you can try Neutralionjs. Otherwise, Electron is good for getting started with desktop applications if you are a web developer. You can read this article on Electron Apps Aren’t That Bad
Neutralionjs is just a better and more efficient tool
I have just scratched the surface about Neutralionjs. It is a maintained open-source project, So you can contribute and make it even better 🌱. You can check the documentation of the Neutralionjs to learn more about it.
If you have any feedback or any suggestions, Then do let me know by commenting. And Follow me on GitHub.
Have a good day, Rajvir Singh